Self-Driving Car Engineer Program

Projects Repository for Udacity Self-Driving Car Nanodegree

Three parts and 14 projects must be completed to receive a certificate.

Dr. Kwon received the certificate for Self-Driving Car Engineer of Udacity’s Nanodegree Program on Feb 2019 upon the completion of all the required projects.

Core Curriculum

PART 1. Computer Vision and Deep Learning

  • Project: Finding Lane Lines on the Road
  • Project: Traffic Sign Classifier
  • Project: Behavioral Cloning
  • Project: Advanced Lane Finding
  • Project: Vehicle Detection and Tracking

PART 2. Sensor Fusion, Localization, and Control

  • Project: Extended Kalman Filters
  • Project: Unscented Kalman Filters
  • Project: Kidnapped Vehicle
  • Project: PID Controller
  • Project: Model Predictive Control

PART 3. Path Planning, Concentrations, and Systems

  • Project: Path Planning Project
  • Project: Semantic Segmentation
  • Project: Functional Safety of a Lane Assistance System
  • Project: Programming a Real Self-Driving Car

This page is a collection of repositories of my own Udacity Self-Driving Car Nanodegree projects.

Term 3: Path Planning, Concentrations, and Systems

Project 1: Path Planning

Project 2: Semantic Segmentation

Train segmentation networks, which pain each pixel of the image a different color based on its class.

Project 3: System Integration Project

Before the Traffic Light Classification

The car can manage to drive the road without knowing the traffic lights.

The Final Result including Traffic Light Classification

After utilizing the Object Detection APIs of TensorFlow and training a deep neural network by fine-tuning the pre-trained coco model, the car can detect traffic light and behave correspondingly.

Term 2: Sensor Fusion, Localization, and Control

PID Control Project

MPC Project

Kidnapped Vehicle Project

Unscented Kalman Filter Project

Extended Kalman Filter Project

Term 1: Computer Vision and Deep Learning

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